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Renewable Energy

Canada is a renewable energy powerhouse, and it is one of the world’s largest producers of hydroelectricity (353 Terra-Watts per year). Global leaders in the renewable energy industry are choosing Canada because of its abundant natural resources as well as generous federal and provincial incentives for producing energy from renewable sources.

Canada’s integration with the North American electrical grid also ensures access to the world’s largest electricity market. With its educated and creative workforce, Canada continues to aggressively develop and expand other sources of renewable power, such as wind, solar and bioenergy.

Bioenergy:Canada has excellent opportunities in biogas and waste-to-energy processes.

Solar Energy:Canada is a world leader in solar-power research, development and commercialization.

Wind Energy: With the world’s longest coastline, vast interior plains and multiple mountain ranges generating unparalleled wind resources, Canada is ideal for wind-power generation projects.